Art Pack 2: Watercolour Painting – Value $100

Our Watercolour Painting Pack comes with art materials you can
use for watercolour classes and workshops.

watercolour painting

Variations – All Ages 5-18 (children under 10 with supervision)
Paint Flowers 

Each Pack Contains Art Materials and Instructions for the Project:

Watercolour paint set 12
Watercolour Brush Pack
Plastic Palette
Graphite Pencil 2B
3 sheets of A4 Watercolour paper
Masking tape

Backing Board
Paper towel
Water tub
Colour Wheel
A4 Art Diary
A4 Page of instructions 

Learning Outcomes: Learn to use Watercolour paints and brushes, Learn to prepare board and watercolour paper for painting, Basics of colour theory, Observational skills, Perspective, Following instruction.

Check out our other Art Packs :
Art Pack 1: Acrylic Painting
Art Pack 3: Drawing
Art Pack 4: Pastels
Art Pack 5: Polymer Clay
Art Pack 6: Air Dry Clay